Do not fill out this form unless you have already flown with someone from EAF. If you haven't already done that, look us up on HyperLobby, our training nights are mondays and thursdays, 21:00 - 24:00 CET.
Fields marked with * are required.

What is your name? *

Where are you from? *

What is your date of birth? (yyyy-mm-dd)

What is your occupation?

E-mail address? (only made public to our H.Q. members and T/O's) *

ICQ Number?

MS Messenger address?

What is your current callsign?

What is your experience level?

Check where you play Multi Player games:
If something else state here:

Do you accept our policies and rules?
Yes! *

How did you find/hear about the European Air Force?

Why do you want to join the European Air Force?

Which squadron do you want to join?

What callsign will you use as EAF member? (Note you MUST use the format <Callsign>_EAF<SqnNo> Example Serval_EAF322, or the other way around on HL, example EAF331_Mikke)

Who in EAF recommended that you should apply? (if any)

Write down everything you think we need to know: